Rob Farmer
Chief Operating Officer & Chief Executive Officer, MedHealth Solutions
As Chief Operating Officer for MedHealth, Rob Farmer supports and drives our day-to-day business, ensuring our leaders and their teams are optimally supported to deliver effective services to our customers and clients; and simplifying the way we do things across the MedHealth family of businesses.
In his role as CEO of MedHealth Solutions, he also works closely with MedHealth customers, leveraging the breadth of our capabilities to create new solutions that deliver better outcomes for all stakeholders.
Rob was previously the CEO of UHG, which is now part of the MedHealth family. He has over 20 years’ experience in executive roles helping organisations deliver better outcomes to clients by building high performing teams, developing smart business processes and leveraging the latest technology.
Throughout his career, Rob has worked in a diverse range of environments delivering advanced IT and sophisticated service solutions to top-tier corporates and government organisations.
Prior to joining UHG and subsequently MedHealth, Rob was CEO of ASX listed Real Estate Corp Limited and has worked across telecommunications, aged and disability care and technology.