A core mission of Kairros is to ensure that equitable healthcare services are made available to all.
With nearly one in three people speaking a language other than English at home, and emerging research indicating that patients of minority cultural and language backgrounds receive poorer quality of care than other patients, it makes sense to offer a tailored service to better support these people.
Kairros has developed a specialised service for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) clients to help overcome cross-cultural barriers in their recovery and their return to work. Delivered in their own language, the service includes:
- An assessment of social support and quality of life and the development of a Social Integration Plan to promote recovery and good health
- Education packs for clients and employers (in their first language) to ensure they understand their role and rights in the process as well as important resources available
- Innovative technology to reduce the requirement of an interpreter and increase the trust and rapport built between the client and consultant
- Strong connections to local employers to provide onsite workplace safety education as well as workplace cultural education whilst undergoing a Work Trial
- A database of bilingual treating parties to assist with breaking down the communication barriers in the treatment and recovery process and a database of cultural resources and support facilities in local communities to enhance a holistic return to wellbeing